Date(s) - 11/12/2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- North East
Circuit: World/National
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2022
Location: Naugatuck Events Center, 6 Rubber Avenue, Naugatuck, CT 06770
Time: Saturday- Doors open at 8:00 am, 9:00 am start time.
Nearest Airport: Bradley International Airport
Tournament Hotel: Suggested- Holiday Inn Cheshire-Southington, 64 Knotter Drive, Cheshire, Connecticut 06410 (there are also other hotels in the area)
Breaking Categories: USBA/WBA- First Time Breaker, Creative Open, Creative Wood, Power Wood, Double Power Wood Hand, Non-Spaced Power Wood, Power Concrete. All ages, ranks, and genders.
***NEW- Open Weight Bracket Series: 18 years and older; all weights, ranks, and genders. See below for description. 8 competitors minimum needed to run, less than 8 will be refunded.
Forms Categories: Open Hand Forms and Weapons Form; Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Black Belt Rank groups, within the the following age groups; 7 & Under, 8-12, 13-17, 18 & Over. Age groups may be broken down further to smaller age spreads based on registration number.
Registration Pricing: Register by November 1st. USBA/WBA categories- First Time Breakers- $50 (includes boards and community stand fee, competitors who register in First Time Breaker may not compete in other events); Other USBA/WBA divisions (including forms)- $50 for 1st, $15 for 2nd, $10 each additional.
Open Weight Bracket Series- $230 (includes materials and stand fee)
Spectator Pricing: General Admission- $5 at door, children 12 and under Free
Material Pricing: Boards- $3 and $2, Blocks- $3, Community stand fee (all competitors except First Time Breakers)- $10
Rating info: All USBA/WBA members will receive the following points toward World/National ratings: 1st place- 5 points, 2nd- 4 points, 3rd- 3 Points.
Additional Info:
Forms Rules: Open Forms & Weapons: • All Forms & Weapons Events will be Judged on a 1 – 10 Scale, with 1/10 point increments. Scores from all Judges will be added together, and the highest total will win. In the case of a tie, judges may use their discretion and possibly ask for a repeat performance to determine a winner. • Competitors in these divisions will perform ANY Forms (patterns, kata, poomse, etc.) traditional or creative in nature. • Forms may include an array of techniques. These forms may be a traditional forms from a style or system, devised in their entirety by the competitor, or be a traditional form in which modern aspects were added. • In this division, the competitor may perform any movements whether they originate from traditional or contemporary martial arts systems or otherwise. • However, at least half of the form should originate from martial arts techniques. • Emphasis is placed on the quality of execution of techniques and movements, martial arts skills, balance, speed, power, degree of difficulty, and showmanship, solid stances and focus. Spinning kicks, jump spinning kicks, flying kicks, multiple kicks, splits and other creative martial arts techniques are permitted. • In addition, competitors should limit the techniques to only those movements that portray a definite offensive or defensive martial arts purpose, or are included to illustrate extreme flexibility or agility. • In addition, Weapons forms will take into consideration heavily the use of the weapons, including, striking & blocking with the weapon as well as weapon manipulations.
The Open Weight Bracket Series (OWBS)- 8 competitors minimum needed to run, less than 8 will be refunded.- The Open Weight Bracket Series is a special USBA/WBA competitive breaking event. There are no points awarded and ratings do not apply. As the name implies this is an “open weight” event. Light weight, heavy weight, male, female, Black Belt and Under Black Belt will be combined. How you may ask. In this series each competitor will receive a “handicap”, similar to what is done in bowling, pool, and other sports. This event will also feature a bracketed approach where competitors that lose once will move to a bottom bracket and can come back to take second place.
Handicap details: A handicap is done by comparing a competitor’s performance to other competitors and creating as even a playing field as possible. An average will be determined considering a competitor’s results over the previous 3 tournaments over the last 2 years in any given event category and comparing it to the Men’s Lightweight Record for that event category. Once the competitor’s average is determined and compared to the Men’s Lightweight Record it will result in a plus or minus handicap.
Example 1: Event- Power Wood Hand- Competitor A has an average of 10 boards, Competitor B has an average of 6 boards, the record is 15 boards. Competitor A is a +5 handicap, Competitor B is a +9 handicap. This means that if Competitor A breaks 10 boards Competitor B would have to break 7 boards to win (the handicap difference is +4 for Competitor B, the difference of +5 to +9. 7 plus the +4 handicap will put Competitor B at 11 boards for the win).
Example 2: Event- Power Wood Foot- Competitor A has an average of 22 boards, Competitor B has an average of 10 boards, the record is 20 boards. Competitor A is a -2 handicap, Competitor B is a +10 handicap. This means that if Competitor A breaks 20 boards Competitor B would have to break 9 boards to win (the handicap difference is +12 for Competitor B, the difference of -2 to +10. 9 plus the +12 handicap will put Competitor B at 21 boards for the win).
The Handicap will attempt to make a level playing field for any competitor entered regardless of weight, rank, or gender. Competitors who have not competed in said category 3 times over the previous 2 years will be handicapped based on the highest number broken in a specific event category at a previous competition over the past 2 years. Competitors who have not competed in a specific event category before will be handicapped per the 1st place SCDA value for their weight and gender. Handicaps are final.
Bracket details: The OWBS will be double elimination. In order to be eliminated from the event a competitor must “lose” twice. This guarantees that each registered competitor will execute a minimum of 2 breaks before being eliminated and a total of 4 breaks if in the final round of the bottom bracket. Example:
For 16 registered competitors- 1st round- 8 top competitors move on to round 2, 8 move to bottom bracket. 2nd round- 3 top competitors move to round 3, 5 move to bottom bracket. 3rd round- top competitor takes 1st place, 2 competitors move to bottom bracket.
Bottom Bracket- 1st round- 3 top competitors move to round 2, 5 competitors eliminated. 2nd round- 3 top competitors move to round 3, 5 competitors eliminated. 3rd round- Top 3 competitors take 2nd-4th, 2 competitors eliminated.
Event Categories: Event categories will be as follows Power Wood Hand, Power Wood Elbow, Power Concrete Foot, and Power Wood Foot. If additional categories are needed based on number of competitors they will be determined by the OWBS coordinator and may or may not include standard categories.
Number of event categories: The number of categories at an OWBS event can vary based on the number of registered competitors.
Entry Fee: The entry fee is $230 and includes materials and stand fee.
Cash Prizes and Awards: Final cash prizes will be based on number of competitors. 1st place range- $200-500, 2nd place- $125-325, 3rd- $50-125. Awards will be given for 1st-4th places