Date(s) - 07/06/2018
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
- World
**You must register for Breaking Divisions on the US Open site. All Materials are purchased here through the link on the right.**
Circuit: World/National
Location: US Open World Martial Arts Championships- Coronado Springs Resort, 1000 W. Buena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Time: : Friday, July 6, 2018- Breaking Competitors Only- 8 am material distribution; 9:30 am start time. Competitors may also pick up their materials Thursday night, July 5, between 6-8 pm.
Nearest Airport: Orlando International Airport
Breaking categories: First Time Breaker, Creative Wood, Creative Open, Power Wood (hand, elbow, foot), Double Power Wood Hand, Non-Spaced Power Wood (elbow, foot), Power Concrete (hand, elbow, foot), Speed Board, High Jump; all ages, ranks, and genders.
Registration pricing: Per US Open Website
Spectator pricing: Per US Open Website
Material pricing: Boards- $2.75 and $2, Blocks- $3, Community stand fee- $8.
Other info: Breaking Practitioner/Competitor Seminar- TBA. Early materials pick-up- Thursday, June 29, 6-8 pm.
ISKA Qualifiers: There will be 3 ISKA qualifying positions allowing breakers to qualify for the ISKA World Championships on Saturday, July 7 (televised on ESPN2 each year). The divisions are Creative Open Male and Power Concrete Male- Light and Heavy. The adult male Black Belt with the highest Creative Open score will be seeded for ISKA. The adult male Black Belt competitor that breaks the most concrete blocks in each of the Light and Heavy Weight Power Concrete Hand or Power Concrete Elbow divisions will be seeded for ISKA.
Rating info: All USBA/WBA members will receive the following points toward World/National ratings: 1st place- 5 points, 2nd- 4 points, 3rd- 3, Officiating- 2 points.
Seminar info: TBA
Seminar Content: The Breaking Practitioner/Competitor Seminar will focus on safe and effective techniques for improving your breaking skills. Learn from World Champions and USBA/WBA Regional Directors who have competed at the highest level for many years. They will provide tips and techniques that will heighten your level of breaking ability. Areas covered will include:
- Proper breaking technique for a variety of strikes
- Proper set-up techniques and competitive strategies
- Getting ready for the USBA/WBA competition on Friday
- Putting together a Creative Breaking routine that highlights your unique
- abilities Generating power and speed for Power Breaking
Cost: TBA