Date(s) - 10/31/2015
12:00 am - 10:00 am
**Registration Note: If registering by mail and paying by check complete Online Registration and Materials Ordering, select “Pay by checkâ€, click “Registerâ€, print form, and mail to address as noted. All mail-in registrations must be received 10 days prior to event. Allow 7 days for delivery.
Circuit: World/National
Event: USBA Smash and Scare Breaking Tournament
Location: 1418 West Loop 254, Ranger, TX 76470.
Date:October 31, 2015.
Time: Start time at 10am.
Nearest Airport: Abilene Regional Airport
Breaking categories: First Time Breakers, Creative Multi-Directional Wood, Creative Open (All Ranks, Ages and Genders), Power Wood Hand, Foot, Elbow (All Ranks, Ages, and Genders), Power Concrete Hand, Foot, Elbow (All Ranks, All Genders, Ages 18+), Speed Breaking, Non-Spaced Power Wood Hand and Foot (BB, 18 and over).
Registration: Before October 30, 2015- $30 first event, $10 each additional. After October 31- $40 first event, $20 each additional.
Material pricing: Blocks- $2.00 each, Boards- $2.50.
Spectator fees: : $5 for ages 4 and up.
Rating info: All USBA/WBA members will receive the following points toward the World/National Ratings – First Place = 2.5 points, Second Place = 2 points, Third Place = 1.5 points, Officiating = 1 point.
Special Info: For Men and Women Black Belts, 2 categories- ages 13-17, and 18 and over. The individual who breaks the most in his/her division his/her division fees will be rebated.`